Retrofit of HeliconX thruster controls with TRICON™ MK 2 Azimuth Thruster Controls

Vessel Characteristics:
69M - 1703 DWT -  Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS)

ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)

This Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, 69M – 1703 DWT with existing HeliconX Rolls Royce azimuth thruster control systems’ upgrade to the TRICON™ MK 2 Azimuth Thruster Control System, was necessitated due to issues with the current system, including excessive play in the control levers and errors in pitch/steering parameters.

This PLC-based redundant control system included not only the complete design, drawing updates, in-house software development, implementation and programming suited for the vessels’ system architecture, but also replacement of the existing levers with new custom azimuth levers equipped with encoders to minimize play and improve accuracy and reliability.

This upgrade to the azimuth thruster control system is designed to improve the performance and reliability of the vessel’s propulsion system. By replacing outdated components with TRICON™’s modern PLC-based technology and advanced feedback systems, the project aims to address current issues and enhance overall operational efficiency.

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